I loved Simon vs. The Homo Sapien Agenda. I love how Albertalli writes. I am in the minority of not loving this book, but it wasn't a bad book.
Albertalli's story rest heavily on dialogue instead of descriptions, and it works really well. It makes for a quick read and it's very entertaining. For me, I just didn't like Leah very much. Parts of the book I liked her a lot and she was relate-able: like her torn feelings about Abby and how graduating high school really does go by fast. But I just couldn't actually like her.
I feel as though her character was shallow and lacked the depth that went into creating Simon in the previous novel. I felt like I didn't know Leah very well, and just couldn't get behind the character like I had been able to do for Simon. That being said: I will read every book that Albertalli writes no matter what. Her writing pulls you in and doesn't let go, and most of her characters stick with you. This may have not been my favorite, but I'm still glad I read it.
3/5 stars