Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Beast is an Animal


DNF at about 75%

I just couldn't anymore.

The cover is so beautiful I didn't want to give up on reading this. But holy hell this was starting to become painful.

The first part of this book is really good and suspenseful; dramatic tension is everywhere. But by the second half...gone. Nothing. Flat and drawn out and I didn't care anymore about the characters or where the story was going. I really don't know what happened with the author's writing, but it changes drastically in the second part of the book.

Maybe the author lost interest too?

I have to say this was a first for me. I never have suddenly not cared about the characters in a book so much that I stopped reading this close to being finished.

2.5/5 stars

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Sisters of the Winter Wood


I was initially drawn to this book by the absolutely gorgeous cover. How can you not love this cover?
It certainly set the tone to the story and it did not disappoint.

The story itself was really atmospheric and beautiful. I loved the intertwining of history, cultures and folklore in this. I was captivated by this dark, fairy tale world and I loved every moment being there. I felt the use of Yiddish/Hebrew/Russian words brought an extra something and I liked that they were included so much.

The dual narrative was nice to read too. I liked the way that Laya's telling was written in verse. She was supposed to be the more dreamy of the two and I felt that fit her very well. Liba's narrative was more straight forward, emphasizing the loyalty she felt towards her family.

This was wonderful with a gorgeous cover to match. I can't wait for the author's next book!

4/5 stars