It was ok...in places. It wasn't scary at all. The idea was great, but honestly I don't get the hype about this book. It's basically just fine.
The fact that you can cover a witch with a dishtowel while she's standing in your house is just dumb. There is no scare factor there, and it took me awhile to really get where the author was going with the curse, since apparently no one is scared of the witch at all. Until that is until the stupid boys begin tormenting her.
Team #witchtit anyone?
Then all hell starts to break loose. The witch finally gets angry and starts to sort of do things. Mostly it's the town population that do the terrible things to each other, not the witch herself. She stands there, waiting to be covered up by the next towel or something.
Honestly the thing for me about this book was how often this author talks about hurting animals in some way or another. I can't deal with that. It's unnecessary and made me skim more of this book that I would have wanted. To whip a calf that's tied down for practice made me sick. That was so unneeded. Hurt people all you want but I never see a reason to hurt animals. I definitely will not be reading this author again. Why he is so decorated is beyond me.
2/5 stars