This was so not good.
I don't give many bad reviews...but this one I just couldn't. The premise sounds so good; and it could have been. Instead it's predictable and maddening.
First off, the father is just frustrating as hell. I caught myself saying a few times out loud that I hated him. He's completely clueless; the typical dad who works and only spends fun quality time with his child; thus the child only shows her sweet side to him. He dismisses the mother's concerns about his daughter and her actions toward her mother. He irked me to no end throughout the book; all he did was turn a blind eye and act like the mother was an idiot and is not allowed to have negative opinions of her daughter, when she is the one who is with her the most.
The mother character is ok. Not great but a little better than the father. I did think however that she came off as very weak when facing off with her daughter. She caved way too easily and did not take the necessary precautions one might when actually fearful of a person, even if that person is a little girl. If my daughter obviously hates the ground I walk on, I'm going to lock doors and be alert and very cognizant of my surroundings. But I guess if don't want to believe what's right in front of you then you do none of those things.
As for Hanna....well....I felt like the author was trying too hard to make her awful. It didn't seem believable. I was not a fan of Hanna's point of view; I felt as though it gave away too much of the story. If it was through the point of view of only the mother (or even the father as much as I did not like him), it would have been constructed much better. There would have been more tension; the reader wouldn't know why the child was starting to act out and getting worse and worse, it would have been more surprising and creepy.
The story did have good parts, but they were few and far between. I was really looking forward to reading this and I'm really disappointed. I get this book is the publishers baby and they are pushing it as much as possible, but they should have read it first.
Cover art is on point though. I wouldn't change anything about that!
2/5 stars
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