I loved this mindfuck of a novella. I love the writing style, the way the story flowed, and how relatable it is; relatable in the way that one sibling is so perfect and the other feels left out. One sister is the resentful enabler while the other who is a serial killer content to let her sister clean up her mess and lie for her.
Although this book is a short and quick read, the details are wonderful and the story flows really well. I adore books that are set in Africa and this did not disappoint. I loved this satire by Braithwaite; it is funny in unexpected places and the plot itself was not necessarily predictable. You sympathize with Korede who is stuck, seemingly willingly, in her enabler role, and you don't like or dislike Ayoola. She is seemingly a normal, attention-seeking girl whose only real flaw is that she kills her boyfriends.
I can't wait to read more by this author. If this is her debut, she's going to be amazing.
5/5 stars
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